
  • Why Cybercriminals Chase Your Personal Information

    Why Cybercriminals Chase Your Personal Information

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    When we talk about data security, the term “Personal Identifiable Information” or PII often comes up. I’m here to explain what PII is and why it’s a hot target for cybercriminals. What is Personal Identifiable Information (PII)? PII is any information that can identify a specific individual. It includes various types of data that, alone…

  • Software Supply Chain Attacks: Insights and Defense Strategies

    Software Supply Chain Attacks: Insights and Defense Strategies

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    I often encounter questions about software supply chain attacks. These attacks can devastate organizations, especially as our reliance on third-party software components grows. Knowing how to identify and mitigate these threats is critical. Let’s explore what software supply chain attacks are, their impact, and effective defense strategies. What Are Software Supply Chain Attacks? Software supply…

  • Understanding Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs)

    Understanding Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs)

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    In the world of cyber threat intelligence, one tool stands out: the Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP). As someone with years of experience in cybersecurity and threat intelligence, I can say that TIPs are essential. But what exactly are TIPs, and why are they so crucial? Ill try to explain this. What is a Threat Intelligence…

  • How Actionable Threat Intelligence Helps in Incident Response

    How Actionable Threat Intelligence Helps in Incident Response

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    Actionable threat intelligence in incident response is like having a well-trained security dog – always alert, ready to sniff out danger, and equipped to respond swiftly. So, what exactly is actionable threat intelligence, and how does it bolster incident response? Let’s dive in. Understanding Actionable Threat Intelligence First, let’s define actionable threat intelligence. It’s not…

  • Configuring Azure Front Door’s WAF Policy Using PowerShell

    Configuring Azure Front Door’s WAF Policy Using PowerShell

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    Azure Front Door stands out as a robust, scalable entry point for web applications. Let’s dive into how to configure Azure Front Door’s WAF policy using PowerShell1, focusing on bot protection, exclusion lists, custom response codes, IP restrictions, data masking, rate limiting, and geo-filtering. What is Azure Front Door? Azure Front Door is a cloud-based,…

  • The Power of Asset Management and Cyber Threat Intelligence

    The Power of Asset Management and Cyber Threat Intelligence

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    Combining asset management and cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is crucial. By managing assets effectively and leveraging CTI, companies can detect potential breaches before they cause significant damage. The Critical Role of Asset Management Asset management involves keeping track of all assets within an organization. This includes hardware, software, data, and other digital resources. Effective asset…

  • Operation Endgame

    Operation Endgame

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    Between May 27-29, 2024, Europol coordinated the largest-ever operation against botnets, targeting dropper malware like IcedID, SystemBC, and Trickbot. The operation, involving numerous countries and cybersecurity firms, led to four arrests, 16 searches, the takedown of over 100 servers, and the seizure of over 2,000 domains. The action disrupted major cybercriminal activities, including ransomware deployments.…

  • Understanding 3D Secure (3DS) and How Threat Intelligence Enhances It

    Understanding 3D Secure (3DS) and How Threat Intelligence Enhances It

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    Let’s dive into what 3D Secure (3DS) is and how threat intelligence can make it even better. What is 3D Secure (3DS)? 3D Secure (3DS) is a security protocol designed to add an extra layer of protection for online credit and debit card transactions. It was developed by Visa, with similar versions by Mastercard (Mastercard…

  • Key Cybersecurity Regulations and Standards Supporting the Financial Sector

    Key Cybersecurity Regulations and Standards Supporting the Financial Sector

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    In the financial sector, security and compliance are paramount. Here’s a comprehensive list of key cybersecurity regulations and standards that support the financial industry, ensuring protection against cyber threats and maintaining legal compliance. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Overview: PCI DSS is a set of security standards designed to ensure that companies…

  • How to Conduct an Effective Cyber Threat Intelligence Stand-Up Meeting

    How to Conduct an Effective Cyber Threat Intelligence Stand-Up Meeting

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    One way to ensure a team stays informed and coordinated is through a Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) stand-up meeting. These meetings, often brief and to the point, are essential for maintaining situational awareness and fostering collaboration among team members. In this article, I’ll walk you through what a CTI stand-up meeting should look like, how…