Cyber Takedowns



At Threat Intelligence Lab, we specialize in takedowns powered by Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), ensuring that digital threats are not only identified but neutralized effectively. Whether targeting phishing campaigns, botnets, or fraudulent domains, our expertise enables businesses and individuals across Europe to secure their digital ecosystems.

Know your adversary
Know your adversary

What Are Cyber Threat Takedowns?

Cyber threat takedowns involve removing, disrupting, or neutralizing malicious infrastructure. This can include taking down phishing websites, disabling botnets, removing malicious advertisements, or delisting harmful applications from app stores. CTI enhances this process by providing actionable insights, enabling rapid and precise actions.

Takedowns are a proactive measure, preventing threats from escalating and protecting the broader internet community. Threat Intelligence Lab employs global expertise with regional compliance knowledge to execute effective takedowns that align with European regulations such as GDPR.

Phishing Websites Impersonating Banks

Phishing attacks targeting Dutch banks can result in severe financial losses and erosion of customer trust. Threat Intelligence Lab identifies and neutralizes these phishing websites, reducing the chances of successful attacks and protecting the financial ecosystem.

Botnet Disruption

Botnets can be used to launch devastating Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks or distribute ransomware. By dismantling botnet command-and-control servers, Threat Intelligence Lab ensures that attackers lose access to their network of compromised devices, effectively neutralizing their threat.

Fraudulent E-Commerce Website Takedowns

Fake e-commerce sites impersonating European retailers deceive customers into financial fraud and identity theft. Our takedown services ensure these fraudulent domains are identified and removed, protecting consumers and preserving the credibility of genuine retailers.

Removal of Malicious Advertisements

Malvertising campaigns compromise online ad networks, exposing users to harmful redirects and malicious software. Threat Intelligence Lab identifies and collaborates with ad networks to remove malicious ads, securing platforms for businesses and users.


We will contact all needed parties for the takedown.


Our partners and friends gladly assist in speeding up the takedown.


With years of experience — we know which routes to take to speed up the takedown.

What you can expect

Our cyber takedown service is crafted for those that wish to have a partner that can:

  • Take websites, accounts and pages offline
  • Take care of the communication and collection of evidence
  • Provide personal attention to takedowns
  • Be your long term partner in fighting cybercrime
  • Think with you to reduce the likelihood of successful cyber attacks
  • Help protect your brand reputation

This helps you to combat

  • Phishing attacks
  • Malware Infrastructure URLs
  • Malicious Email Addresses
  • Social Media impersonation
  • Rogue Mobile Apps
  • Fake Shops
  • Deceptive Domains
How fast can a takedown take place?

Our main goal is to have the takedown take place as soon as possible. This means that fraudulent or malicious domains could be offline within 3 minutes.

However it is also possible that it might take a couple of hours, up to days. This all depends on the relation and the source of the attack.

For example, having content taken down from a bulletproof hosting service might need more time.

Do you provide reporting on the status of the takedown?

Certainly, we want to keep you informed. We also collect evidence that can help you in future cases.

Do you work with law enforcement as part of the takedown process?

We collaborate with law enforcement. hosting companies, ISPs and top tier (cybersecurity) companies to ensure that you get the best and most effective service.


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