
CVE-2024-38396: A Critical Vulnerability in iTerm2

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This vulnerability, found in iTerm2, a popular terminal emulator for macOS, can have serious implications if exploited.

What is CVE-2024-38396?

CVE-2024-38396 is a security flaw discovered in iTerm2 versions 3.5.x before 3.5.2.

This issue1 involves the unfiltered use of an escape sequence to report a window title. When combined with the built-in tmux integration feature, enabled by default, it allows attackers to inject arbitrary code into the terminal. This is distinct from another vulnerability, CVE-2024-38395.

How Does CVE-2024-38396 Work?

The vulnerability exploits the terminal’s handling of escape sequences, specifically those used to set window titles. In iTerm2, these sequences are not properly filtered.

Attackers can embed malicious escape sequences in terminal output. When the terminal processes these sequences, they can execute arbitrary code, compromising both the terminal and potentially the entire system.

Impact of CVE-2024-38396

If exploited, this vulnerability could allow an attacker to execute any code on the victim’s machine.

This could range from benign actions, like opening a calculator app, to more malicious activities, such as installing malware, exfiltrating data, or gaining persistent access to the system. This vulnerability is extremely serious, particularly because iTerm2 is widely used among developers and system administrators.

Proof of Concept (PoC)

To understand the practical implications of CVE-2024-38396, a proof of concept (PoC) has been developed. This PoC demonstrates2 the vulnerability by opening a calculator application on macOS.

The PoC can be accessed on GitHub here. You can run this PoC via Docker or by using the cat command.

The repository includes the necessary Docker file for vin01/escape-seq-test:cve-2024-38396.

Mitigation and Prevention

To mitigate this vulnerability effectively, update iTerm2 to version 3.5.2 or later, which resolves this issue.

Here’s what you should do:

  1. Update iTerm2: Download and install the latest version of iTerm2 from the official website or via Homebrew if you’re on macOS.
  2. Disable Tmux Integration: If you do not need tmux integration, disable it to reduce your attack surface.
  3. Audit Terminal Output: Be cautious about the output that your terminal processes, especially if it comes from untrusted sources.

Why You Should Care

CVE-2024-38396 is particularly concerning due to its potential to execute arbitrary code without user interaction.

This means an attacker could gain control over your terminal by simply sending you a malicious escape sequence, hidden in what appears to be harmless terminal output.

Steps to Stay Secure

  1. Regular Updates: Always keep your software up to date. Vendors release patches to fix known vulnerabilities, so timely updates are crucial.
  2. Security Audits: Regularly audit your systems and software for any vulnerabilities or suspicious activities.
  3. Use Security Tools: Employ tools and practices like antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and regular backups to enhance your security posture.


CVE-2024-38396 is a critical vulnerability in iTerm2 that highlights the importance of software security and regular updates. By understanding how this vulnerability works and taking the necessary steps to mitigate it, you can protect your systems from potential attacks.

I recommend updating to the latest version of iTerm2 immediately and disabling unnecessary features to reduce your risk. The best way to stay secure is to be proactive and vigilant about potential threats.

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